International Undergraduate Admissions


Join the ranks of an active, successful, and welcoming community of trailblazers and leaders making a global impact.

我们是一个包容和支持的社区,备受尊敬的教师指导研究生学习, explore, and build successful and fulfilling careers and lives. Our beautiful Bay Area campus is nestled in the rolling hills of Moraga, just 23 miles east of San Francisco. 我们的教师和校友与硅谷的科技公司和更多的联系确保了我们的学生有巨大的专业成长机会. We offer small class sizes, and professors know students by name. These are a few of the reasons Saint Mary’s earns a spot in the U.S. News & World Report list of the top five regional universities in the West. 

International Undergraduate students looking at a sea urchin


How To Apply


check the box icon submit application

1. Apply via the Common App for Free
Use the fee waiver code ApplySMC.


upload icon for documents application

2. Upload Your Unofficial Transcripts via the Saint Mary's applicant status page or have your high school counselor send the official transcript to For admissions review purposes we can use unofficial transcripts, however once admitted an official transcript will be required.


check application status icon

3. Check Back on Your Application Status
Within 48 hours of submitting your application, you’ll receive an email to log in to your SMC Applicant Status Page.

Important Deadlines


Fall Term Early Action


Fall Term Regular Decision


Spring Term

Application Requirements

The chief qualities sought in a candidate are their intellectual preparation, the seriousness of their purpose, and their moral integrity. 学校成绩被认为是衡量潜在大学能力最可靠的指标. However, 课外成就可能会加强申请,因为它们表明了特殊的才能, perseverance, and maturity.

Applications for admission are reviewed on an individual basis, 如果有优异的成绩证明,在准备过程中有轻微的不足也可以免除, test scores, and recommendations.


  • 4 years of English
  • 3年数学(代数、高等代数或同等学科,以及几何)*
  • 2 years of the same foreign language
  • 2 years of science (at least one laboratory)*
  • 2 years of social studies (at least 1 year of U.S. history)


Request your Official Transcripts be sent by your school to Saint Mary's

入学的学术成绩要求将符合NAFSA:十大网赌平台工作者协会提出的指导方针的建议, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and the Country Index.

  • Original, official transcripts are required. 如果成绩单不是英文的,则需要经过认证的英文翻译.
  • 在美国高中成绩单上没有反映的四年高中的任何一段时间,必须从所有在国外就读的学校寄来.
  • 累计学习成绩转化为平均绩点时必须至少达到3分.0 on a 4.0 scale. Certain system’s grades cannot be translated equivalently to a 4.0 scale; in such cases, 圣玛丽的招生人员将包括一个叙述,以协助录取决定.
  • 所有参加过高等教育的学生都需要正式的大学成绩单. 申请人必须在入学申请中列出他们所就读的每所学院,并且必须提供所就读院校的正式成绩单. A notary’s seal alone does not make a transcript official. 从其他国家大学转学的学生还必须提供专业的课程学分评估,以评估他们的教育成绩单或证书.

English Proficiency Test Scores

In lieu of taking an English Proficiency Exam, 申请人可以提交SAT或ACT成绩,只要英语部分的成绩符合以下最低要求.

Countries exempt from the English Proficiency Test.

TOEFL 79 iBT & each subscore must be 19 or higher
IELTS 6.5 or higher
Duolingo 105 or higher
Cambridge Level C1 or higher
ELS Language Center, Level 112 2.75 GPA or higher
SAT R 450 or higher in the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section
ACT 21 or higher



Request a Letter of Recommendation be sent to Saint Mary's

Letters of recommendation are not required but are encouraged. 我们建议给你的辅导员或老师足够的时间在邮戳截止日期前提交推荐信. Letters may be sent directly by recommender through the Common Application, by postal mail, or by email to


学生必须完成至少23个可转移学期学分,最低累积平均绩点为2.5 on a 4.0 scale in performance at American collegiate institutions. Any prior university-level work from outside of the U.S. must minimally be equivalent to 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or in the above-average range when there is no direct correlation to a 4.0 scale.

International Students Attending a College or University in the U.S.

  • Students attending or transferring from other U.S. 学院或大学必须满足与国外国际学生申请相同的英语水平要求.
  • 转学申请人必须在向十大正规网赌平台提交入学押金时提交SEVIS转学表和随附文件,以证明其具有良好的移民身份.


提交所有在美国以外就读的学院或大学的专业转学分评估.S., which should include:

  • Description of course content
  • Description of course units
  • Number of hours spent per course, per quarter/semester/other
  • Explanation of the grading system used

在其他国家以英语为基础并模仿美国社区学院体系的大学机构完成的课程的学分将以每门课程为基础进行评估. Current programs include Kolej Damansara Utama and the HELP Institutes in Malaysia; Taylor’s College Malaysia, China, Singapore, and Thailand; INTI College Malaysia, Indonesia, and China, Center American Education in Singapore.

十大正规网赌平台欢迎在课堂上挑战自我的学生参加荣誉课程, Advanced Placement (AP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. 被录取的学生将有机会转换通过AP或IB课程考试获得的学分. 对于大学入学考试委员会的AP考试或更高水平的IB课程,学院授予最多一整年的大学学分.

Learn More About AP & IB

一旦你把你的注册存款在圣玛丽,你可以开始的过程 applying for your F-1 student visa. After submitting your enrollment deposit, 您将能够在您的申请人状态页面上上传您的资格证书表格I-20所需的文件.

在您上传所需文件并获得批准后,您将获得I-20. With the I-20, 您将能够完成F-1签证申请,并在您当地的美国大使馆或领事馆安排签证预约.

Required Documents to Receive an I-20 from Saint Mary’s:

  • Completed and signed Certificate of Finances
  • Copy of your passport
  • Copy of financial documents

Submit your Certificate of Finances through your applicant status page

Additional Information about Financial Requirements

The U.S. 美国国务院要求学生证明他们在加州十大正规网赌平台学习第一年的经济能力. The College is required to verify your financial resources.

To do so, you must complete the Certification of Finances Form. 此表格必须由学生和学生将用于资助他们在加州十大正规网赌平台学习的任何经济担保人填写并签署.

This document is required in order to receive an I-20 from Saint Mary's College. 财务证明表上的估计费用不包括暑假期间的生活费用, transportation costs to and from campus, or visa application fees.

As an F-1 student visa holder, students are not authorized to work in the U.S. except under special circumstances. 没有将预期的校园就业作为财务文件的一部分.

Transfer Students Only:  Submit your F-1 Student SEVIS Transfer Form through your applicant status page. If you are transferring from another U.S. institution, complete the F-1 SEVIS Transfer Form along with a copy of your current F-1 visa, and a copy of your current I-20.

Two graduates posing for a photo after graduation

Find scholarships available to you.

Saint Mary's offers a number of scholarships for international students, with awards ranging from $2,000 to $29,000. Learn more about these great financial aid opportunities below.

Contact Us

Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Phone: (925)-631-4224
Fax: (925)-376-7193
Brother Jerome West Hall
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday
1928 St. Mary's Road
PMB 4800
Moraga, CA 94575