


Sixto F. 蒙特西诺斯小. (他,他,他的)

部门: 表演艺术:舞蹈、音乐 & 剧院
电子邮件: sfm5@anyhourair.com
电话: (925) 631-4073
办公地点: syfy 210 1928 St. 玛丽的路.加州莫拉加(Moraga.

Dr. Sixto F. 蒙特西诺斯





Dr. Sixto F. 蒙特西诺斯小. is assistant professor of music and head of instrumental studies at Saint Mary’s College of California in the San Francisco Bay Area. 他是一位活跃的墨西哥裔美国指挥家, 笛手, 音乐教育家, and scholar researching new and effective ways to strengthen Mexican-American relations through the study and performance of music. 这些包括克服刻板印象以及墨西哥, ”+, 以及拉丁裔在音乐教育领域的代表性, 曲目, and performance He is the artistic director of the Saint Mary's College Jazz Band as well as its Chamber Musicians program. 他还监督学院的乐器私人课程教师. 

Dr. 蒙特西诺斯是乐团的常客指挥 很棒的乐队, 这是一个在湾区放大边缘化群体声音的组织, forms deeper partnerships with communities and organizations as well as creates more equity and representation at every level. The mission of the Awesome Orchestra is also to make awesome orchestral adventures accessible to musicians and the public. 他还曾担任美国爱乐乐团的客座指挥 青年音乐剧剧团最近的一次是他们2022年春季制作的斯蒂芬·索德海姆的《十大正规网赌平台》. 

He presented a clinic in December  2021 at the 75th Annual Midwest Clinic entitled "Surpassing La Cucaracha dn the Mexican Hat Dance" and spoke to the importance of diversifying Mexican-themed 曲目 for instrumental ensembles and debunking common musical stereotypes,  

Dr. 蒙特西诺斯 earned a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Wind Conducting from the Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, 他在新泽西师从威廉·伯兹教授, 克雷格·艾伦·威廉姆斯, 和Darryl J. 马胃蝇蛆. His terminal research project focused on the evolution and socio-political influence of wind bands in Mexico from the War of Independence to the Mexican Revolution. 在罗格斯大学期间. 蒙特西诺斯 also served as a teaching assistant with the Rutgers University Marching Scarlet Knights participating in performances for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. 在秋天和春天, 他曾担任罗格斯管乐团和交响乐团的研究生助理指挥. In 2016, 他是罗格斯大学音乐乐队的节目编导, the United States premiere of two wind pieces by Colombian composer Victoriano Valencia: Chande and Tango from his larger series Ritmos de la Tierra. He also presented and conducted Valencia's music in March of 2018 at the new music reading session during the College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) Eastern Division Conference at Yale University.

在搬到加州之前. 蒙特西诺斯 served as 音乐助理教授 and Director of Bands at Ferrum College in southwest Virginia where he established The Ferrum College Panther Marching Band, Ferrum College Mountain Winds, 和铁山铜业学院. 在他任职期间,乐队项目的报名人数翻了一番. He also served as music department coordinator and developed the curriculum to create a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree. Dr. 蒙特西诺斯 led an initiative to establish an Appalachian Folk Music Program and started a guest artist recital series designed to bring live music to the Ferrum College community throughout the year.

在罗格斯大学攻读博士学位之前, 他是泽西村高中的一所公立高中乐队指挥, 这所高中位于休斯顿西北部的赛普拉斯-费尔班克斯独立学区. 以这种身份, 他协助指挥一支300人的军乐队, 四个音乐会乐队, 还指挥了全校音乐剧. 他还在一所中学教初级乐器课. 在泽西村,他是第二交响乐团的首席指挥. Symphonic II earned division one ratings at the University Interscholastic League (UIL) Concert and Sightreading Contest.

Dr. 蒙特西诺斯 completed a Master’s Degree in Orchestral Conducting at the University of Texas at Arlington under the tutelage of his long-time mentor and former high school orchestra director, Dr. 克利夫顿埃文斯. 蒙特西诺斯 also completed additional studies in wind and orchestral conducting at the following programs: The Frederick Fennell Memorial Conducting Masterclass at the Eastman School of Music and the Cincinnati Conservatory, 北德克萨斯大学指挥家学院, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的乐队指挥艺术, 美世大学国际指挥家研讨会和比赛, 以及巴考的国际指挥家协会, 罗马尼亚. 此外,他与H密切合作,并分享了领奖台. Robert Reynolds as a doctoral conducting student during a week-long residency at Rutgers University.

作为一名长笛演奏家. 蒙特西诺斯 was a featured soloist at the 70th Annual Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra Conference performing Gabe Mussella’s Cumbia de Xavier with the Ridgeview Middle School Percussion Ensemble. 他还曾在休斯敦消防局任职. He completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Instrumental Music Education at the University of Houston Moores School of Music where he performed two graduate-level flute recitals and was principal flute of the University of Houston Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra. 从休斯顿表演和视觉艺术高中毕业后, he was awarded a full-tuition scholarship to study flute performance at Arizona State University in Tempe where he completed two years of flute studies before attending the University of Houston. 在高中时, he studied flute at the American Festival for the Arts Summer Music Conservatory with Kirsten “Kiki” Larsen and at the Brevard Music Center in North Ca rolina as a pupil of Thomas Robertello. 他是朱迪·戴恩斯的长笛学生, 休斯顿交响乐团的第二长笛手, 并在琼斯音乐厅与休斯顿交响乐团合作了两次. 他曾为茱莉亚音乐学院的Carol Wincenc和Leone Buyse演奏, 克里斯蒂娜·詹宁斯, 和罗伯特·朗格万的大师班. He is also a proud alumnus and supporter of the Virtuosi of Houston Youth Chamber Orchestra and the Greater Houston Youth Orchestra. 2004年,他作为休斯敦西北交响乐团的管弦乐演奏家在中国进行了广泛的巡演.

Dr. 蒙特西诺斯 enjoys working outside of the United States and has established strong ties with high school and middle school band directors in 秘鲁. 2017年3月, 他为利马当地的高中和中学乐队总监举办了为期一周的研讨会, 作为他们所需专业发展的一部分. Most recently he was a featured speaker on marching and concert band techniques in January of 2018 at the PERUBANDAS National Congress in Lima, 秘鲁. 另外, 他在伊斯顿的拉斐特学院担任临时教师, 在宾夕法尼亚州担任音乐会乐队指挥,并在路易斯维尔的路易斯维尔高中任教, 担任管弦乐队项目总监. 他还曾担任格林斯博罗东部音乐节的副院长, 北卡罗莱纳. His writing has been published by the Instrumentalist Magazine and internationally by the WASBE Journal. 蒙特西诺斯 is a native of the town of Coyoacan in Mexico City where he began his musical career at the early age of four studying piano at the prestigious Yamaha Institute.