MA in 沟通


A One-of-a-Kind Master's Program

The Master of Arts in 沟通 at Saint Mary's College of California provides students with the ability to communicate through difference to form bonds connecting 文化s, to do business across borders, and to build bridges between people. 

The only one of its kind in the Bay Area, the MA in 沟通 is a program focused on applied research, 突出需求技能和能力集群,使学生在研究生就业市场上具有优势.  The course of study was originally designed to be completed in only one extra year after completion of an undergraduate degree from Saint Mary's but now we also accept applications from non-Saint Mary's students or SMC alumni.

Saint Mary's students have the option to complete two cross-listed graduate Bridge courses during their final two years as an undergraduate and then continue for an intensive year, earning two powerful degrees on an accelerated timeline. Non-Saint Mary's students and SMC alumni, on the other hand, are able to take these Bridge classes in the Summer before starting and/or during their 秋天/春天 semesters in the program.

Professor Makiko Imamura teaching students

Connecting with People, Connecting with the World

We place emphasis on shared inquiry and critical thinking, equipping our students to work, 学习, and live in an increasingly diverse, 全球化, and data-driven world. Students can choose to concentrate their four electives on any of our departmental strengths (including inter文化 沟通, 媒体研究, and media production) or keep their study general. 无论哪种情况, 我们的课程侧重于跨文化专业环境下的沟通挑战和机遇. 通过与投资教师密切合作,他们将一系列沟通专业知识和经验带入课堂, students can leave and make an impact outside of it.

student on laptop

A World of Possibilities

Student engagement in the program will be built on self-reflexivity, 意识, and critical thinking. 这些技能, 再加上数据驱动的研究机会和关键参与决策, embolden students to pursue leadership roles in a variety of fields:

  • 技术 
  • 内容创作
  • 数字媒体
  • International Business 
  • 社会服务
  • 沟通
  • 发展
  • 金融
  • 人力资源
  • 热情好客
  • 市场营销
  • 公共关系
  • 医疗保健



As the Summer 2021 工资调查National Association of Colleges and Employers recently reported, 获得传播与媒体研究硕士学位,平均起薪将提高46%.8% over a Bachelor's degree in 沟通. 根据平均工资来看,这只比获得高等学位高出2万美元.  考虑到我们项目的成本,这是一个很好的投资回报.

Bridge Course Options for 春天 2024

COMM 544 – Community Media (M/W/F – 10:40-11:45am – Jason Jakaitis)

在本课程中, students will study communal and non-commercial media production in the context of 社会 movements and grass-roots activism. 他们将制作关于十大正规网赌平台和周围社区的视频和多媒体内容. The class will develop a student's basic 面试ing skills, event videography and rapid-response reporting techniques. 学生将熟悉数字内容传播的各种工具和方法. COMM 544 satisfies the Artistic Understanding (Analysis and Creative Practice) and Community Engagement requirements of the 核心课程.

COMM 558 – Topics in Film: Brazilian Film (T/TH - 9:50-11:30am – Sam Joyce)

This is an interdisciplinary and cross-文化 course where we will emphasize the socio-经济 and 政治 issues that gave rise to specific movements – Third Cinema, 电影新和新巴西电影和旅行通过更近期的当代电影. 本课程旨在向学生介绍一些巴西电影艺术家的电影作品, and to develop a more detailed and creative reception of each film. By studying Brazilian cinema, 学生将学习到与他们自己截然不同的电影传统和文化现实. They will acquire knowledge of the 社会, 文化 and 政治 issues that have shaped these traditions, as well as develop a deeper understanding of the aesthetic forms and film theories that have defined this cinema both in the past and in the present. 学生也将熟悉学习电影的重要方法, for example the idea of national cinemas and cinema of resistance.

COMM 560 – 沟通 and Social Justice: Whiteness (T/TH - 11:40-1:20pm – Scott Schonfeldt-Aultman)

This course will explore whiteness, 沟通, and 文化 broadly. 像这样, we will explore how whiteness is interrelated with 沟通, 修辞, 文化, 身份, 意识形态, 解释, 等. 更具体地说, we will explore what we mean by “whiteness,” 社会 construction of whiteness, 白色的脆弱性, 白色的身份, cross-racial dialogue, histories of whiteness, black perspectives on whiteness, James Baldwin’s work on whiteness, whiteness as a strategic 修辞, 修辞al strategies of whiteness, white 修辞s of crime/prison, whiteness and media, 修辞s of white backlash/disadvantage/victimization/affirmative action, whiteness and the far right, and white anti-racism/anti-racists.

COMM 563 – Death and 沟通 (T/TH – 1:30-3:10pm – 亚伦Sachowitz)

Course description and more info TBD.

COMM 564 – Health 沟通 (M/W/F – 1:30-3:10pm – Veronica Hefner)

本课程向学生介绍健康传播的原理、理论和实践. Emphasis is placed on understanding the 沟通 process as it pertains to health 沟通 in various contexts: patient-provider 沟通, health 沟通 theories, strategic planning for health campaigns, 社会 media and health concerns (e.g., privacy), community-based healthcare strategies (i.e., strategic, inter文化, patient/provider, family, 等.). Students develop critical thinking skills, refine real-world application skills in the health context, 了解健康传播在不同情况下的动态作用.

COMM 581 – Television Criticism (T/TH – 8-9:40am – Sam Joyce)

这是一门理论与实践相结合的课程,旨在向学生介绍电视批评研究, or what is commonly called, 内十大网赌平台, "television criticism" (a parallel with literary criticism). 本课程将依赖于一系列跨学科的理论,这些理论将电视作为一种独特的产生意义的媒介. 我们将剖析电视的叙事和非叙事结构,以及它对场景布景的使用, cinematography/videography, 编辑, 和声音. 另外, 我们将面对已经应用于批判性地理解社会的关键方法, 文化, 政治, and 经济al issues surrounding the medium: semiotics, 流派研究, ideological criticism, 文化研究, 等等....... On the practical side, students will have the opportunity to develop their own academic criticism as well as a critical review of a TV show they currently enjoy viewing to have a more nuanced understanding of how it affects them and those around them.

Photo of Gold Pavillion

International Experience

June International Externship Option

Students have the option of spending their final June working in teams on an inter文化 沟通 project in partnership with an inter文化 or international organization. This course works as a “capstone” that synthesizes aspects of all core courses into an applied experience working for a client.  学生花两周时间在校园里,两周时间到客户现场(国际或国内)旅行, (视目前的全球卫生和安全状况而定), depending on the scope of the project. Students act as consultants and assist the client organization in the development and execution of a research based inter文化 project. The cost of travel for this course is not included in tuition, but is estimated at an additional $4000. 不选择这种国际经验的学生必须完成一个综合考试.


传播学硕士课程包括五门必修的核心课程, four cross listed electives, and one of two options for a final "capstone" culminating experience.  Students will complete a total of nine courses (35 Carnegie units). The core courses are designed to build mutually complimentary competencies that are augmented by the electives and brought together in either a comprehensive exam or an International Externship (additional cost applies) in June of the final year. Students are encouraged, though not required, to focus their four electives on an area of emphasis, such as Inter文化 沟通, 媒体研究, or Media Production. All MA courses have an applied component.

Course Descriptions

COMM 600: Theories of 沟通

本课程探讨传播学理论与文化之间的关系. Students will use case studies to apply a range of 沟通 theories to analyze problems that typically arise in “real world” settings. 学生们被要求在交际现象(如:交际行为)之间建立一个清晰的联系.g., current 社会 issues) and  沟通 theories as they work toward critical engagement with 专业 沟通 competencies.

COMM 602: Strategic Mediated 沟通

本课程探讨媒体和媒介形式的沟通,因为它们与文化相交, 经济, 政治 or 社会 contexts.  重点是在各种场合对媒介传播的分析和策略使用, including development, 社会变革, 危机应对, corporate/organizational digital presence, and 社会 justice. 本课程整合了批判性和实践性的方法来理解有效的媒介沟通. By the end of this course, students will have completed a digital portfolio that will highlight all of their work in the program as a case study in strategic mediated 沟通 at the individual micro level.

COMM 605: Applied Research Design

This course is designed to focus on methods of data gathering. 在本课程中, students will 学习 designs of quantitative and qualitative research, such as experiment, 调查, 面试, participant observation, 和民族志. Students gain research design experience by designing a project to address a particular inter文化 沟通 phenomenon, 以及适当的研究设计对于专业应用的重要性, including project or training assessment and evaluation. 每个学生提出的研究项目将在应用研究方法课程中执行. This is an on-campus course, offered during the regular work week. Students must take this course in the 秋天 semester of the +1 year. This is the first course of the Applied Research Certificate sequence.

COMM 606: Applied Research Methods

本课程培养学生使用定量和定性方法为研究项目收集数据. 主要研究内容包括实验、调查、访谈、参与观察和民族志. Continuing 从 Applied Research Design course, students will collect data 从 previous semester’s project designs, 获得各种方法的经验,以及如何在研究团队中工作.

COMM 607: Applied Research Analysis

本课程培养学生使用定量和定性数据分析来分析研究项目. The primary foci of data analysis include (M)ANOVA, 回归, and mediation and moderation analysis for quantitative 调查 data and coding based on the grounded theory approach for the qualitative data. Continuing 从 Applied Research Methods course, students will analyze the data, interpret and report the results. This is an on-campus course, offered during the regular work week. Students must take this course in the 春天 of their +1 year. This is the third course of the Applied Research Certificate sequence.

COMM 601: 沟通 and Conflict

This course examines 沟通 that creates, 管理, and resolves conflict in various relational and workplace contexts. The focus is on theoretical understanding of conflict and its management and the practical skills of applying non-violent 沟通. Students 学习 and examine the sources of conflict, optimal 沟通 skills to facilitate the conflict to resolution, and relational implications for the parties involved in the conflict.

COMM 570: Group Facilitation and 领导

This course focuses on the development of group facilitation and critical thinking skills for making ethical decisions in diverse organizational, 专业, and personal settings. Topics covered in this course include leadership, 沟通, 权力理论, interpersonal dynamics in teams and groups, listening abilities, perspective-taking, practical discussion facilitation, 能力建设, understanding organizational structure and decision-making processes.

COMM 571: Identity and Inter文化 沟通

This course aims to develop a critical 文化 consciousness. Students begin by examining their own 文化 identities and then 学习 how to view interactions with others through the lenses of inter文化 沟通. Through self-意识 and understanding how 身份, 文化, and 沟通 work together, students 学习 critical skills to enhance their inter文化 competence. Students work in groups to apply these insights by developing a diversity training activity grounded in theories of 身份 and inter文化 沟通.

COMM 512: Intergroup 沟通

在本课程中, 学生将文化概念化为围绕社会群体的更大对话的一个分支. 本课程旨在探讨群体间关系的动态及其对人类交流的周期性影响, 感知, 和人际关系. 应用ing theories and perspectives of 沟通, 社会心理学, 社会语言学, 和历史, 学生探讨沟通与社会团体成员之间的关系.

COMM 534: Understanding Digital 文化s

本课程以人文学科为基础,探索数字文化的基本概念. The “digital” will be examined as technology, as a communicative and expressive medium, as philosophical precept and paradigm, 在政治方面, 社会, 经济, and psychological force. 学生将通过仔细阅读基础文本来探索关键概念和理论, study of representative examples of digital work (e.g. 网站, 游戏, 媒体艺术, networked and immersive environments), and engage in complementary design and production assignments. As a significant force shaping life in the contemporary world, 重要的是,学生学会如何检查数字的影响.

Inter文化 Externship

这最后的经验作为一个“顶点”,综合和建立在硕士课程所学的能力.  Students choosing this option spend two weeks on campus and two weeks traveling to a site (international unless global health and safety measures requires a domestic site) to conduct an applied research project as a group. 网站偏好, 只要有可能, 是给予在国际环境下工作的喇沙修士伙伴组织. Students act as consultants and assist the client organization in the development and execution of a data-driven research project. The cost of travel for this course is not included in tuition.


  • Centro Bartolomé de las Casas/Colegio Andino, Cusco, Peru
  • Municipal Government of Diriamba, Nicaragua
  • Bosques de Gaia Organic Farm, Diriamba, Nicaragua
  • Taking Root, San Juan de Limay, Nicaragua
  • San Carlos Community, Diriamba, Nicaragua
  • Sunsplash Reggae Festival, Goa, India
  • People's Grocery, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
  • Mommas' Boyz, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice, Oakland, California, U.S.A.

Comprehensive Exam

Students who choose this option complete their "capstone" requirement by completing a 6 hour exam in June split between questions drawn 从 core classes and a bibliography of texts chosen by the student that reflect the elective courses and areas of emphasis completed by the individual student for the degree.  学生们将在一个小时的演讲中为他们的考试答案辩护. There is no extra cost for this option.

During 本科

Two cross listed upper division electives (4 units each). One each semester of senior year is recommended.

注意:并非所有的上层部门通信选修课都有资格交叉上市. Consult a faculty advisor.



COMM 600: Theories of 沟通 (4 units)
COMM 605 Applied Research Design (4 units)
Cross listed elective (4 units)


COMM 606 Applied Research Methods (3 units)


Cross listed elective (4 units)
COMM 602 Strategic Mediated 沟通 (4 units)
COMM 607 Applied Research Analysis (4 units)


Either Comprehensive Exam or Inter文化 Externship

沟通 Across Borders

Professor Makiko Imamura talking about inter文化 沟通

Relevant education for a changing world

今村真子,传播学教授,讨论跨文化交际. Joined by Shawny Anderson, Interim Dean of Liberal Arts and Prof. 亚伦Sachowitz.

School and Department Information

Veronica Hefner, Ph.D.
Program Director, MA in 沟通

Assistant Director of 招生 and Recruitment