

的 宣教事工中心 staff is committed to providing spaces for ALL to explore their relationship with what is sacred and to deepen their understanding of what guides them in leading a purpose driven life.

We want to highlight people and groups that are doing great things for the SMC community. 特别是, we would like to call attention to amazing student groups and staff on campus, as well as rich resources in the wider community. 本着社会正义的精神, these people and groups are celebrating, 提高意识, 实践他们的信仰, and/or participating in interfaith work.

Scroll down to learn more about these groups.



的 穆斯林学生协会 is a warm, wonderful environment that aims to identify and unify the growing Muslim community. 的y welcome everyone regaurdless of the religion, race, and sexuality. 统一与教育, the MSA informs and dispels misconcpetions and sterotypes about the Muslim community.

(Adapted from the mission statement)




"Every year on December 12th people worldwide celebrate our Lady of Guadalupe. La Virgen has been revered and recognized all over Latin America. 特别是, she has been part of the Mexican identity for almost 500 years. She has been the source of hope for the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized; and has bestowed her love, 同情, 帮助, and protection to all who call upon her and confide in her.

在圣. 玛丽学院, the 瓜达卢佩圣母 Committee was first established in 2011 by devout students seeking to live their faith and 文化. 多年来, this committee has been devoted to honoring La Virgen through our annual Our Lady Of Guadalupe Celebration. During this week-long celebration (that takes place during the first week of December), 所有的学生, faculty and staff at SMC are encouraged to participate in various events such as our movie night, 人类的念珠, 队伍, 质量, 还有我们盛大的节日!

Our hope as the Latinx Ministry and 瓜达卢佩圣母 Committee is to share with everyone our love for La Virgen through food, 跳舞, 认为, 文化, 灵性, 和信仰."

- Ana Gomez (Lasalian Peer Minister for 瓜达卢佩圣母, 2021)



SAS 帮助s to raise awareness about South Asia. 的y "celebrate diversity, tradition, and spread cultural awareness." We recommend them particularly because of the work that they do around these principles. 的y hold fantastic events around many different 文化s and holidays.

(Adapted from the mission statement)



Center for Engaged Religous Pluralism

"的 Center has been a leader in developing educational programs that address interfaith leadership in business and the professions and religious diversity in governmental institutions."



Committee for 跨信仰 and Religious Cooperation, Learning and Engagement

CIRCLE is a CCIE committe committed to increasing advocacy and informing policies and 实践 around religious diversity.

"We, of Saint 玛丽学院 of California, are dedicated to treating all people with dignity and respect in ways that acknowledge and engage diverse backgrounds and ideas. 我们的政策, 实践, and behaviors foster a safe and inclusive community and promote learning that is equitable, 协作, and inspired by the presence of God in and among us."


跨信仰 Council of Contra Costa County

的 跨信仰 Council of Contra Costa County (ICCCC) is an outstanding resource for our SMC community. This is a coalition of faith traditions in Contra Costa County that collaborate to address issues of social justice and deepen our understanding of the many ways we orient around religion, faith and 灵性 to make our community a better place. Go to their website to sign up to receive the monthly newsletter of key events and reflections.




Another key partner for 宣教事工中心 staff and student leaders is 跨信仰美国. 跨信仰美国 has provided our community with training and resources to increase our interfaith awareness, 升值, and understanding and 帮助ed us forge critical collaborations locally. Since 2016 small teams of staff and student leaders have participated in the annual 跨宗教领袖峰会 in order to bring more religiously diverse programming to our campus.




Islamic Networks Group (ING) is a peace-building organization providing face-to-face education and engagement opportunities that foster understanding of Muslims and other misunderstood groups to promote harmony among all people.


Do you know a group or resource that should be listed? 我们很乐意听到你的消息.
