

There are three types of courses, listed below. The course descriptions provide more detailed information about specific courses, as well as a link to the upcoming class schedule.


You will gain the basic knowledge and skills needed to be successful in advanced graduate business courses. You must meet the requirements for all seven foundation courses; however, 你 may qualify to have these courses waived based on previous academic work. 


You will develop 你r ability to analyze business information, understand business functional areas, and be a responsible leader. You must meet the requirements for all eight courses. 然而, if 你 have taken similar post-graduate courses in another MBA program, 你 may qualify for transfer credits equaling up to eight quarter-units (typically two courses).




You can earn a general management degree by completing three courses from any of the concentrations or 你 can tailor 你r MBA to 你r career goal by selecting a concentration in finance, 市场营销, 业务分析, international management or entrepreneurship.


This concentration will provide enrolled participants exposure to both the fundamentals of business and the practical aspects of identifying, 评估, and moving business ideas forward through the stages of new venture formation, 融资, startup and growth in both for-profit and non-profit organizations.

To earn a specialization in entrepreneurship, 你 must take:


公司, banks and other institutions rely on their finance departments to make and analyze major tactical and strategic decisions every day.  这个项目可行吗??  它会盈利吗??  How much should we spend on 市场营销?  An MBA degree in 金融 from Saint Mary’s College will provide 你 with the skills needed to make these critical decisions, making 你 an asset to any company, 在任何行业.

To earn a specialization in finance, 你 must take:


Analyzing large data sets — commonly called big data — has become a key basis of competition, fostering new waves of productivity growth and innovation. 然而, there is significant scarcity of talent that can elicit managerial implications from this type of comprehensive data. A MBA degree in 业务分析 from Saint Mary’s College will provide 你 with the skills needed to perform sophisticated analytics for actionable business opportunities and decisions.

To earn a specialization in 业务分析, 你 must take:

International Management

The emergence and ease of globalization has compelled firms to expand beyond the borders of their home country, making International Management a highly significant and integral part of a firm's overall business strategy.  Because today’s business school graduates are expected to compete in a global marketplace, Saint Mary’s MBA program in International Management strives to prepare 你 for this in our classrooms. 

To earn a specialization in International Management, 你 must take:


From a marketer’s point of view, figuring out how to appeal to consumers just likethrough these types of methods is critical.  平均U.S. consumer gets pitched 30,000 times a day.  Discovering the best ways to effectively communicate with people is difficult.  但, Saint Mary’s College MBA in 市场营销 can help 你 turn 你r job into a career, whether 你 are learning the intricacies of social media 市场营销 strategy, or how to advance 你r own career by transforming 你r resume into an effective brand name.

To earn a specialization in 市场营销, 你 must take: