Technology Intake and Governance


Intake and Governance

对于产生构建项目提案的努力的想法(过程的第1和第2阶段) project life cycle), 资讯科技服务部与该意念的发起人紧密合作,以加强有关吸纳及管治的建议, which is carried out by either the Committee on Educational Technology (CET) 或者是 Enterprise Technology Committee (等) (see the committee charges and membership below). 如果提案在这两个委员会中的任何一个获得批准,那么它将被提交给 Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) 在某些情况下,还会提交给总统内阁进行审查.  In cases where a project proposal is IT focused, such as a network core upgrade, 资讯科技服务管理团队执行入职流程.
The intent of Intake is twofold:

  • 在作出重大投资决策时,向科技总监提供意见,确保科技的采用和使用符合学院的策略计划;
  • 在资源平衡方面,为支持学院的学术和运作需要,提供最适合战术判断的意见.

Flow of Governance
A proposal is first presented at either the CET or ETC > if approved it will then be presented to the TAC > if approved it is then scheduled. 如果需要进一步审查,将提交给总统内阁. View the Intake and Governance Process and Workflow. 在报告中,委员会将使用 Intake and Governance Assessment Criteria.

The TAC meets only twice a year. 重要的是要知道下一次TAC会议的相应计划是什么时候. 电子商务考试和大学英语考试每年至少举行两次,并在需要时举行. 看到 招生管理计划和政策制定日程表.

IT Planning and Policy Documents

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Technology Planning and Policy Committees (TPPC)

The TPPC is comprised of the TAC, CET and ETC. Learn more about each of these committees below.

技术规划和政策委员会(TPPC) TAC - CET - ETC

Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) 

The primary duties of the Committee are to:

  • 为符合学院使命的资讯科技项目组合的优先次序提供意见和建议, 在SMC战略规划的指引下进行IT战略发展;
  • 提供反馈意见,以提高科技规划及政策架构和流程的有效性,以最佳方式实现学院的策略目标;
  • 审查并建议内阁增加/修改机构技术政策;
  • 征求校园社区的意见,以评估科技运作和规划的成效;
  • Communicates technology issues, 趋势, 计划, 并决定召开校园社区会议的频率

Minimally two annual meetings for governance of the Strategic Development of the College's IT resources; more to be scheduled as necessary

TAC Membership:

  • Chief Technology Officer (Chair)
  • Vice Provost for Enrollment and Communications
  • Provost Designee
  • School Dean (1)
  • At-large, Senate-appointed Faculty member (1)
  • Chair, Committee on Educational Technology
  • Associated Students Appointment (1)
  • Associate Vice President for Human 资源
  • Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller
  • Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • 负责学生学术的副教务长兼核心学院院长
  • General Counsel
  • Dean of Students or Designee  
  • Senior Director, Advancement 服务
  • Director of 体育运动 and Recreation or Designee
  • Chair, Enterprise Technology Committee
  • Deputy CTO (ex-officio)
  • Director, Enterprise Applications (ex-officio)
  • Director, Educational Technology (ex-officio)


Committee on Educational Technology (CET) 

Advance the use of technology in teaching, 学习, and scholarship by exploring innovative pedagogy, new 学习 tools, and potential improvements to academic facilities (i.e., classrooms and laboratories); support the use of innovative pedagogy; and advise various parties on campus on matters that impact the effective use of educational technology.

The primary duties of the Committee are to:

  • 鼓励和审查将提供可通过教育技术和/或设施实现教与学创新的教师拨款申请;
  • 识别教育技术和/或设施可以改善或创新教与学的机会, 为首席技术官提供持续的指导和建议, the EdTech Center, and the Campus Facilities Planning Committee;
  • 与最佳实践保持同步,并向参议院推荐有关校园技术问题的政策, such as policies for online/hybrid programs;
  • Assist curriculum-review committees, 特别是本科教育政策委员会和研究生和专业教育政策委员会, 在技术和课程的交叉方面, e.g., 通过就评估在线/混合课程和项目提案的标准进行咨询;
  • 一般支持教师提出的在教学中使用先进技术的倡议, 学习, and scholarship.

CET Membership:

  • Four tenure-track faculty members, one elected from each school, two-year terms, one selected as chair
  • 一名全职教员(一年,任期可续任),由委员会任命 
  • Director of Faculty Development (ex officio)
  • Chief Technology Officer (ex officio)
  • Director, Educational Technology (ex officio)
  • 图书馆及学术资源处处长(当然)
  • Director, Facilities 服务 (ex officio)



Enterprise Technology Committee (等) 


The primary duties of the Committee are to:

  • 识别和讨论采用和使用技术,以达到学院的企业工作流程和运营的最佳效率
  • 审查拟议的技术措施,并就需要改进的候选方案的优先级向IT服务部提出建议
  • 在每次会议上就项目状态报告向IT服务部提供反馈
  • 协助制定或更新学院信息技术政策,确保有效降低风险


  • Admissions - UG and GR
  • Advancement
  • 体育运动
  • Business Office
  • Financial 援助
  • Human 资源
  • Institutional Research
  • 注册商's Office
  • Student Life
  • Controller (Chair)
  • Director, Enterprise Applications (ex-officio) 
  • Chief Technology Officer (ex-officio)