Labor Polices and Guidelines (for Students)

Labor Polices and Guidelines (for Students)


Students must perform 所有 services for the college within the State of California, including any work done remotely.

Weekly Hours Limit

Per IRS guidelines, student workers employed on-campus should be working fewer than 20 hours per week across 所有 on-campus jobs. The summer period (approximately June - August) and full week academic breaks are exceptions to this rule where more than 20 hours per week is 所有owed.  For full week academic breaks, you may follow the student's degree program schedule per the published academic calendar.

Multiple Campus Jobs

Student employees working multiple on-campus jobs will need to closely track their schedule between jobs to avoid overtime, meal break issues, and accidental recording of overlapping hours.


When exceeding 5 hours of work in a given day, student and 所有 non-exempt employees are required to take an unpaid, 30 minute (or more) meal break no later than the 5th hour of work.

Employees should record this break as an out/in on their timesheet.

Time entry for Monday example. Time in 8am Time out 12pm. Time in 12:30pm Time out 2:30pm.



For every 4 hours of work, students and 所有 non-exempt employees are entitled to a 15 minute paid break. 员工做的 不 need to record this break on their timesheet.


Employees must seek approval from their supervisor 之前 working any overtime.

Students, and non-exempt employees are due overtime pay (1.5x base hourly rate) for hours worked in excess of 8 in one day, 40 in one week (M-Sun), and for 所有 hours worked on the 7th day (Sunday) after having worked any time on each of the preceeding 6 days (M - Sat).

加班 is calculated by the payroll system where applicable. There is no special procedure for employees to record overtime.


In order to claim sick leave, employees must 不ify their supervisor as soon as possible. Please review 所有 sick leave instructions, polices and information. View 病假 for Student Hourly Employees